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SHARING is our Mission!


The mission of the Marialla V. Magloire Foundation is to provide support for the underserved by improving the conditions of people affected by poverty, and lack of access to basic needs including food, healthcare, education and gainful employment. The goal of this foundation is to meet these needs by establishing a sustainable infrastructure within communities upon which the community itself can contribute to their own improvement.


The Marialla V. Magloire Foundation and partners are dedicated to the cultural, social and academic enrichment that comes from immersing students in foreign languages.

2019 Leon High School Senior Awards

MVM President Harriett Paul (right) presenting scholarship to awardee Creed King (left)


2021 MVM Arts and Sciences Awardee Lamiya Dix


2021 MVM Arts and Sciences Awardee Sean Kaven

Harriett Paul (left) is pictured with scholarship awardee Tajah Billingsley (right) and her mother (center) at Florida A &M University

Leon High School Senior Awards Day

The 2018 MVM Scholarship in the Arts and Sciences awardees were standouts among their classmates

Preparing to serve school meal

Health assessments at University Caribe Primary School

Children in class

Health assessments at rural campus

sustainability in



resources and



The well-being of communities and access to basic medical care is essential to improving quality of life.


The Foundation offers scholarships to students with dedication and passion for education and helping their communities.


The ability to produce and cultivate food is the first step in co mbating hunger around the world.

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